Saturday, September 1, 2012

Teaching, Staff and Prayers

I am writing this at 2pm on Friday. My week of teaching is done, however I have one catch up day next week to cover. It is certainly a blessing every time I teach 1 & 2 Timothy to see how much application there is to the students lives and their home churches. I have been very impressed with the questions these people have asked – they are digging deeper and wanting to apply the truth to their lives and church ministries. Keep praying for them for understanding and opportunity to pass on the things they are learning.

A gentle breeze is coming off the lake and I can hear heaps of children enjoying swimming at the beach we cleared of weeds two years ago – that beach is a hit with the locals!! But it is hot and I am glad I am out of the classroom and able to wear shorts again! Perhaps I should join the kids for a swim!

(this is my view accross Lake Bengweulu from the guest house as I type!!)

Yesterday I had a very profitable time with the teaching staff, Levy, Peter & Francis (Bible) and Aaron (agriculture). We were able to have an open discussion about the challenges that the Bible School faces but also the joys and plans towards the future. One of the areas that we have tried to help the Bible School in is funding for an Administrator. We have been helping with this now since January 2011, sending a gift of approximately NZ$275 per month (based on our strong dollar). This has only been able to help with having a person here part time – it has been a help, however not having an administrator here full time slows all processes down, especially the delivery of finances for needed areas.

To give some perspective to this a person employed in the secular workforce would expect to receive around $625 per month, so we are supporting less than half what is needed to supply this need. Interestingly the support that we give to the teachers is also at this lower level and I know that the Bible School board has been trying to establish the means to raise their support (Please be aware the staff did not raise this with me, but I know there are challenges). Regarding another administrator, there is another man who currently comes to teach on the issues of HIV/Aids who is interested in the work here. He has the administration background as well as a degree in theology so could help with some teaching.

We spent quite some time discussing the Bible Sponsorship that we facilitate.  This ministry is vitally needed. This year we have been able to supply 1678 Bibles – praise the Lord!! More would be great! 30% of these are being sold from the Bible school and the money raised from this is going to provide funds for the teaching staff to go and visit graduates, do leadership training and identify further students for the years to come. The remaining 70% are being sent to areas where graduates are serving. These graduates will sell them at an affordable rate to their people and the money will be used to help them in their ministry. One box of Bibles (28 Bibles) will cover the purchase of a Bicycle for ministry, or a tent for the frequent teaching and evangelism trips that they do. Some of this 70% will also be sold in these village areas and the money raised will provide partial scholarships for students to come and study at Samfya.

(Bibles being unloaded to the bookshop)

The visit of the Bible School staff to village areas is vital for the ongoing growth of these rural churches. The leaders in these places need support and teaching – so the visits that the staff do are critical to change and growth, helping people to break away from tradition (both church and culture). Your support of buying Bibles helps this necessary work.

The departure of the missionary overseeing the building work is a challenge. The board has identified one of its members who will be able to take on an overseeing role in this – please pray for him – he has a background in construction supervision, however he is getting a little older.

An area that the staff would like you to pray for is the support and ownership of the Bible School ministry from local churches. Their desire is that churches would really help students to come, assist them with their fees, help with transport. Some students come from 100’s of kilometres away from  places in the Northern Territory or the Copperbelt, DR Congo, some even from Central province. The geographical spread is immense, but it is where Bemba is spoken. Pray that churches will also see fit to support the Bible School directly – it is their ministry and it benefits them greatly.

Well this is probably way to long, but I trust that it helps you understand a little more. We are privileged to help this work. Let’s keep prayerfully uplifting these our brothers and sisters to the Lord.

At class this morning some ladies arrived trying to sell this catfish - it is very big. They wanted a big price K100,000 around NZ$25.00!!
As I write this Gabrial the maintenance man has arrived with a big bandage on his hand. He proceeded to show me in his other hand a significant part of a finger that he has chopped off on the drop saw when preparing timber. He has also badly cut his hand. Would you please pray for a quick recovery and no infection - he is a capable man and needed in the work here. Oh for better medical facilities!

This Sunday I am teaching at at church where three graduates fellowship. It is about 60 kms from here close to Mansa. Thank you for your prayers.

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