Friday, August 17, 2012

The Next Stage

 As I write I am on the bus north heading to Lusaka and then Samfya – about 15 hours of buses rides in one day. The team is at Livingstone International Airport ready to get home – Daniel a bit sore after meeting a rock while white water rafting!! Last night we were able to reflect on our time together and the challenges and joys of the things we have been exposed to. We have all been blessed by the hospitality and devotion of our brother s and sisters in Christ from village areas. We also rejoiced in the good work  that was evident among the many graduates – the ministry of the Bible School is making real differences in village life.

It is a difficult dynamic being tourists in a place like Livingstone after all we have seen in the North, however we have been reminded of the incredible wisdom and creativity of our God as we witnessed Victoria Falls and enjoyed the diversity of wildlife that our God has created. He has given us all things to enjoy as 1 Timothy tells us, but we must never place our hope in the riches that he blesses us with, but rather on Him and being wise stewards of all that He has given . For me that is why the investment of time and money and energy in Samfya Bible School is such a blessing – it impacts thousands and thousands for Christ.

I should arrive back at Samfya at around 2am on Saturday morning, sleep for a while and then head away after Lunch for a week long conference at Mambalima. The Bible School staff have been vitally involved in the committee organising the conference, and their focus is on what the local church should be and do. I start off the conference with two sessions on leadership and how leaders are to function and what they should be desiring for the church. The rest of the sessions then build on this over the whole week and we will be there to interact with people and leaders and help them in their role in church life. We also trust to make contact with many potential students so that next year there could be an intake of up to 30 soaking in God’s truth.

Once back at Samfya I am to teach the students and also spend much time with the staff in planning and looking towards the future. I hope to work through with the staff some of the chapters in Jerry Wragg’s book on leadership. Would you please pray for these weeks ahead that much will be achieved for the Kingdom and that as further plans are established that we would find more partners to help this ministry expand.

It is a challenging thing to know that for many of the village churches that span through hundreds of kilometres, the only source of encouragement they receive from outside of their region is from the Bible School – often the only supply of Bibles and help for their work. Friends let’s store up treasure in heaven by investing in this humble but growing work – your support makes a real difference!

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