Friday, September 16, 2011

Random Things

Well Wednesday has been an interesting day, five hours with the students finishing off 1 Timothy with lots of good questions especially in the areas of the care of widows and then the challenge of dealing with elders in sin.

The frustration today was the inability to find the boundary marker that was located last year. It may have been dug up by the water board as they put a new line down to the village! Maybe we will find it on Thursday, but we do need to get a new survey done. But on the funny and yuck side of things. The chicken house where around 240 birds are raised at a time had a big metal basin with bits and pieces in it in the store room. Rats had decided it was a good home - the men carried it out and great sport was had in eradicating (or should I say eraticating!!) 57 rats, 35 furry ones and 22 babies!! I can report that no one wanted to eat them!

Tonight was the monthly hatching of the swamp flies. They are a real nuisance - millions of them hatch and are attracted to lights, so you try and lock up as best you can. In the end I retreated to inside my mosquito net!! They will last for a couple of days and then we will be free again!

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