Tonight (Wednesday) we had 25 for dinner and we had a BBQ. I did way too much potato salad but everything else was just right. We had a choice of apple pie or lemon meringue pie. I think everyone enjoyed the food and the night.
It was now 9:30pm and was time for us to leave. We hopped in the car and home we came. Copper met us at the drive.
Ohhhhh dear Donald has left his back pack inside and the house keys are in it! All the windows have bars on them and Katie is too big now to get through so Donald and I certainly are!!! None of the doors are unlocked. We end up calling Rosemary (the housekeeper) and we drive to her house!
Copper is bouncing along in front of the car. He is so funny. Donald says he is like Tigger from Winnie the Pooh. He came quite a long way but doesn’t like to follow the car – he has to run in front. Donald had to try to dodge him a couple of times or Copper would be no more!
Well this must be Rosemary’s home as there is a light on and people look like they are calling us. Ohhh dear it is sort of like a pub and there is a man wanting to get into our car. Donald just told him no and we drive off. Oh look there is another man – no not him either he is drunk and he also wants t o get into our car. Hey we are not a taxi!!! Oh look there is Rosemary and her husband! Thank goodness it is them this time. She thinks it is funny that we have locked ourselves out!
Yay we are on the homeward stretch and where is that Copper! I don’t think he has made it home yet! Oh yes there he is – totally exhausted he doesn’t even come down the drive and waits until we are just about at the top and then bounces like Tigger in FRONT of the car again!!!
We are inside now and Donald realises that his backpack is actually at the guesthouse and not inside our place. All we had to do was to go and pick it up! OHHHH well it did make for an interesting end to our day!
Today is Thursday. Tomorrow is our last day in Samfya! I still cannot believe that I have come here! I never thought I would. It has been great even with the critters that I don’t like. As I have said before it is a lot like the Fiji that I grew up in. It is very beautiful here when the wind isn’t blowing a gale. It is however getting very hot, which does make the day a little unbearable at times – even a shower doesn’t cool you off! God has been very gracious (and the Brubacher family) by letting us live where we have been. It is a wonderful place set on the hill overlooking the lake.
Copper will leave a precious memory of our time here – some funny, some annoying, some NAUGHTY, and some very cute!
Today Katie and I got our hair done. We both got the same and the style is called corn rows. Donald doesn’t like mine but he really likes Katie’s! I think it would be very cool to have this hairdo in the heat but I don’t know how long it will last with our slippery hair. Katie is very exhausted as we have had late nights (for her) and early mornings. I think it has worked out well that we are going to Lusaka with the team as it means we will have a couple of days to just relax and re charge our batteries. I need to remember that my daughter is only 12 years old and not 35!!!
Tonight is the last dinner I will cook in Africa! Tomorrow we are having homemade pizza for lunch and then are all going to one of the lodges for dinner. This has come about because I will need to have all borrowed kitchen items back to their owners, before we leave and Donald is talking about leaving Samfya before 6am! The road to Lusaka isn’t so busy at that time of the day!
So tomorrow for me will be spent cleaning the guest house kitchen, returning borrowed items, cooking lunch and also doing some baking for the team to take with them to Lusaka and Livingstone. There will also be a presentation in the afternoon from the team. It will be really great to see how they have put everything together.
Katie is in bed and Donald is packing our bags as we need to get our luggage to the Fullers tomorrow. They are coming to Lusaka and so are helping with the luggage and also are taking 2 people with them.
Talk to you later.
Hey who turned the lights off – no one did, the power is off again!
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