Thursday, June 24, 2010

Training for Bible School Staff

Greetings all - thanks for the feedback we are getting form so many. One of the goals in visiting in South Africa was establishing further links in ministry partnership with ministries there. Biblical Counselling Courses are run by Dr Joel James and Dr Wayne Mack and we are in process to seeing Principal Levy Kasoma apply and begin this two year programme that would see him travel to SA on eight occasions over the next two years for block courses. I will update you on this at a later time.

There are two other training opportunities that would excellent for the other two teaching staff, run at Joel’s church. The first is a Leadership Course on 16-20 August, to be lead by Jerry Wragg. This will be a valuable training time for Francis Chola, and we all know what a blessing Jerry has been to us in New Zealand through the years. The training received will benefit Francis and then the students at Samfya greatly. The cost to get Francis there and course costs (including a new passport) are around NZ$960.

The other course is on Expository Preaching, led by Joel James. Peter Chomba teaching the preaching class here and he will be blessed to have further instruction himself from material that Joel has prepared for an African context after doing his own D.Min programme in Los Angeles. This course happens in September and January, two one week periods. The cost for the first week (including a new passport) is around NZ$920 and the second week around NZ$830.

I cannot emphasize too much how staff training like this will be a huge blessing to the Bible School and then outward to the many rural village areas the Bible School works in. If you would like to help with these costs please pass on gifts to Riverbend Bible Church (Phone 06 8730054, or account no. 01-0646-0045240-000) marked for “Samfya Bible School Staff Training”.

Thanks for your interest in following the blog. I am adjusting to the slowness of life here - it can be frustrating at times just getting things done. Please pray for this weekend - I am preaching the gospel at a youth rally at Samfya beach, and then preaching at Chalwe CMML church on Sunday.

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