Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Daily Samfya Life

The last two days have seen us evaluating some maintenance needs and begin doing some needed work. We have found out that the need to pay power bills has meant that Maintainance issues have been unable to be dealt with. There is the need for a number of outside toilets at staff houses and near the student accommodation.
We have been replacing termite eaten perlins today and tomorrow as well as one corrugated iron sheet that had a large hole in it from a tree branch that had crashed through. Nothing goes fast here, and acquiring materials to work with can be a Major headache - but we are learning to go with the flow!
Sherrilyn has been having great meetings with the staff ladies and the student ladies for the last two afternoons. They are asking lots of questions and digging into the Word.
There have been very profitable meetings for Donald with the Bible School teachers, with much more to follow in the days ahead. Deane meet with two of the care taking staff today and worked through Romans 1-2.
Roger continues to be our eyes and ears around the community and providing us lots of laughs! The local economy seems to be really growing and there is a lot of construction happening.
The site here is in desperate need of infrastructure renewal - please pray with us as we look at this further and endeavour to get expert help in master plan development.

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